Enrolment Zone

Enrolment Zone

Our primary school’s enrolment zone includes local Arataki neighbourhoods. It begins seaside of Maunganui Road and spans down from Concord Ave(but not including Concord Ave) to the Maranui Street and the Sandhurst Drive roundabout. Our zone also extends further into Mount Maunganui to cover Te Maunga, Mangatawa and Matapihi.

If you live within the Arataki School Enrolment Zone you are able to enrol at our school.  If you are not you apply for an Out of Zone Placement. See below for more information.

To see if you live in our school zone type your address in the search bar on the map. If you are in the blue area you are in our school Enrolment Zone.

Please note, unfortunately we have NO VACANCIES ​​​​​​​for Out of Zone applications.

Out of Zone

If we have room after accepting students from within our enrolment zone, we warmly welcome children from further afield. Our Board of Trustees publishes the number of places available each term in the local newspaper along with a date by which to apply. 

To apply for an Out of Zone placement you can pick up a paper application form at the office or click below to apply online.