Tēna koutou e te whānau,

Each fortnight when I come to write the newsletter I am always amazed at how fast the term goes. This has been a busy fortnight. Last week, we celebrated our children’s learning and achievement at our whānau learning conferences. Thank you to all our whānau who came and met with their child’s kaiako. I am a firm believer in home & school partnerships. Whānau working together alongside their child’s teacher to achieve the best possible schooling experience.

On Thursday 30th May, we have another opportunity for you to be involved with your child’s learning. We are hosting two structured literacy information sessions for whānau. These workshops are focussed on how you can help your child at home with their reading. The workshops are exactly the same, but run at two different times: 3pm & 6pm. These workshops are in the hall. Please return the RSVP slip if you are coming for catering purposes. We will be able to supervise children as well if needed.

Cross Country

What amazing weather we had on Wednesday morning to be able to run our Tuakana (Year 4-6) cross country. I was so proud of our children, how they ran, their passion and energy. I was especially proud of  children who do not always enjoy cross country but still ran and gave their best. Congratulations to our place getters and the children who are now going to be representing Arataki School at our upcoming Cluster Cross country.

On Wednesday 29th May, we have our Teina cross country at Arataki School. The Teina cross country is run on our back field and starts at 11:30am. 

Friends of School

I wanted to acknowledge an Arataki School local legend - Vicky McGreal. Vicky has worked tirelessly for the past 8 years as a parent help and was a founding member of our ‘Friends of School’ fundraising association. Last night, we held the Friends of School AGM and Vicky resigned from her position as the Chairperson from Friends of School. I want to thank Vicky for her commitment and tireless service to our school. From the funds raised, to ensuring that we have extra activities and celebrations for all of our children. Thank you Vicky, we appreciate you and your mahi. We know that you will still be helping around our school and still part of our community. Also, thank you to Michelle Turner - Friends of School Secretary and Kath Harris - Friends of School Treasurer who have stepped down from their positions after many years of service. Thank you for your mahi and the funds you have raised.

At the Friends of School AGM the following parents were elected/voted into the following positions: Chairperson - Shared position - Jo Naera & Janelle Meacheam. Treasurer - shared position - Kate Barker & Esther McGreevy. Secretary - Emily Crawford.

Keep an eye on our upcoming dates for exciting events that the Friends of School are planning.

Upcoming AFoS events/save the date:

  • Thursday 30th May - Mufti day - Gold coin donation - Theme - Movie Character
  • Friday 14th June - Matariki Disco
  • Thursday 27th June - Matariki Breakfast

As always, please remember, if you have any questions, queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ngā mihi nui

Vicki Hiini





Wednesday, 29 May - Teina Cross Country

Thursday, 30 May - Mufti Day - Gold Coin Donation - Movie Character

Thursday, 30 May - Structured Literacy Information Hui - 3-4pm and 6-7pm

Friday, 31 May - Teacher's Only Day (School Closed)

Monday, 3 June - Kings Birthday (School Closed)

Tuesday, 4 June - Pōhiri and New Whānau Hui

Friday, 7 June - Hui-a-kura - Montessori

Wed, 12 June - Kopukairoa Whānau Hui

Friday, 14 June - Matariki Disco

Thursday, 27 June - Matariki Parakuihi (Breakfast) - Before school

Friday, 28 June - Matariki (School Closed)

Friday, 5 July - Last Day of Term 2

Click here for 2024 Term Dates


In this issue:

  • Ka Ora, Ka Ako - Healthy School Lunches
  • ATK here Everyday
  • News and Events
  • From the Sports Desk
  • Extra-Curriculars @ Arataki
  • After School Care/Programme
  • Community Notices
  • Pre Loved Uniforms
  • Report an Absence

Ka Ora, Ka Ako



Welcome to our Ka Ora, Ka Ako, Healthy School Lunches Programme section of our school newsletter, where we aim to share photos, information and updates with what's happening.

Our visit to Freeport

Hunter Jeffries and Renee Naera visited Freeport this week. They got to meet the lovely ladies who make our school lunches. 

Hunter and Renee then had the opportunity to make their own chicken wraps for their lunch, which were then sent to school

in their class lunch containers for them to eat at lunchtime. What a great start to their day :)


ATK Here Everyday





Referee Needed for Football Tournament

We have a Y5-6 football team going to the WBOP tournament on Tuesday, 28 May.

If you would be interested please contact our Sports Coordinator, Tatai. tatai@arataki.school.nz 








Uniform Sale 

School End of the Line Trackpants now $30

Sizes available

13-14 years

Adult XX Small

Adult X Small

Adult Small

Adult Medium

For Sale in our Uniform Shop while stocks last

Uniform Shop is now located in the offices beside Room 11.

Tamariki can wear plain navy blue trackpants purchased from retailers such as Kmart and The Warehouse 

Pre Loved Uniforms


Needing a few pieces of uniform.  Come and see our pre-loved uniforms at the school office. 

Have your tamariki grown out of their uniforms? We are especially in need of Polo Shirts if you have any spare.

Please consider donating them back to the kura.  These uniform donations are:

  • sold to our whanau for donations of $5. The money raised is used for resources for our classrooms. 
  • used for our tamariki who may need them.

These donations are gratefully received at the school office.

ATK. All Day, Every Day! - Attendance Booklet

Please remember to enrol your preschoolers as early as you can. This helps us to get prepared for their arrival.

To enrol you can click this link to the online application form or come into the office for an application pack.

For more information on enrolment check out our website www.arataki.school.nz