Tēna koutou e te whānau,

Another fantastic two weeks of learning for our tamariki at Arataki School. It is great to see our after school sports teams up and running and a large number of children playing sports outside of kura too.

Yesterday, I was fortunate to join Kopukairoa at their noho marae at Waikari Marae - Matapihi. The tamariki were welcomed onto the Marae by some of the tuakana from Matapihi School. For me, it was a great opportunity to meet our whānau and to see our children learning at the marae.

I recently hosted an afternoon for parents of the school to come in and meet with me. It was great to meet the parents that attended and be able to share Arataki School’s strategic plan for 2024. We had an in depth discussion about the Friends of School. Friends of School are a group of passionate parents who organise fundraising events for our school. This year, we are really wanting to build up our group of parents involved with Friends of the School. Schools are not funded by the Ministry of Education for additional extras such as the purchase of a school van, or development of new playgrounds, or enhancing our external school environment. 

We really need the support of parents to assist with fundraising and/or grant applications to help fund the extra facilities we would like at our school. 

I invite you to a Friends of School - ‘Meet, Greet and Plan’ wine and cheese evening on Thursday 14th March at 7pm in the staffroom. We are wanting to find out what parents are interested in helping out with at different fundraising events and what skills you may have that you can share with our school community. This year our goal is to fundraise for the purchase of a school van.

On Tuesday 26th March, school will be closing at 12:30pm so that Teachers can attend their paid union meeting. All children will need to be collected from school at 12:30 on this day.

Just a reminder to parents that drop their children off at Kaimanawa Street, can you please use the pedestrian crossing. We are wanting to role model to our students the importance of crossing the road at the crossing.

If you have not met me yet, please feel free to pop in and say hi. Alternatively you will find me most mornings at the Grenada Street gate entrance to our school. I am there from 8:30am - 8:50am. 

Ngā mihi nui, 

Vicki Hiini



Thursday, 7 March - Tuakana (Senior School) Swimming Sports

Monday, 11 March - Pōhiri and New whānau hui

Thursday, 14 March - School Photos

                                             - Arataki Friends of the School - Meet, Greet and Plan                                                                       wine and Cheese evening - 7pm in the staffroom

Friday, 15 March - Hui-a-kura - led by Hopukiore

                                     - Girls Playing Sports Day

                                     - Arataki Friends of the School Hui

Tuesday, 26 March - School Closing at 12.30pm for teachers paid union meeting.

Friday, 5th April - Crazy Hair Day

Friday, 12th April - Ice Block Day - 


Click here for 2024 Term Dates

Please remember to enrol your preschoolers as early as you can. This helps us to get prepared for their arrival.

To enrol you can click this link to the online application form or come into the office for an application pack.

For more information on enrolment check out our website www.arataki.school.nz


In this issue:

  • Ka Ora, Ka Ako - Healthy School Lunches
  • ATK here Everyday
  • News and Events
  • Extra-Curriculars @ Arataki
  • After School Care/Programme
  • Community Notices
  • Holiday Activities
  • Pre Loved Uniforms
  • Report an Absence


Ka Ora, Ka Ako



Welcome to our Ka Ora, Ka Ako, Healthy School Lunches Programme section of our school newsletter, where we aim to share photos, information and updates with what's happening.


ATK Here Everyday






Before & After School Care



Tauranga City Council are planning changes to the Oceanbeach/Girven/Maranui Street intersections. Council will construct a single-lane central roundabout at the Girven–Maranui intersection and redesign Oceanbeach Road for a seamless transition to Girven Road.

They will also construct new shared pathway links and four raised pedestrian crossings to define safe pedestrian crossing points. Three of these crossings will have central islands that divides the crossing into two movements to reduce driver disruption.

Phase one works will begin in late March and are expected to take up to four months to complete with reduced speed through the construction zone. Stop/go traffic management will be required at times, as will occasional night works. Digital information boards will be positioned to inform drivers and others of roading changes and any short-term detour requirements. Hours of work are 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday

The 'Improving travel links between Papamoa and the Mount' web page can be found here:


Pre Loved Uniforms


Needing a few pieces of uniform.  Come and see our pre-loved uniforms at the school office. 

Have your tamariki grown out of their uniforms? We are especially in need of Polo Shirts if you have any spare.

Please consider donating them back to the kura.  These uniform donations are:

  • sold to our whanau for donations of $5. The money raised is used for resources for our classrooms. 
  • used for our tamariki who may need them.

These donations are gratefully received at the school office.

Reporting an Absence


Does your child need to stay home today?

To let us know about any absences, please:

Use the ‘Report an Absence’ function on your HERO app

Call our absence line (07) 575 3497 select option 1.

Text 022 565 0021.

Email office@arataki.school.nz.

Complete our online form

Please include your:

  • child's name,
  • room number, 
  • how long they will be away and the
  • reason for your child's absence. 
ATK. All Day, Every Day! - Attendance Booklet